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3rd European CSA meeting in Ostrava

Despite the Brexit vote we are still committed to working together with other CSAs in Europe. From 16th to 18th September 2016, URGENCI will be hosting the 3rd European Community Supported Agriculture meeting in Ostrava, Czech Republic.

Actors from all over Europe who are involved in food distribution systems and committed to Food Sovereignty are invited to join us to build a shared vision, define future thematic focuses and strengthen the organisational structure of the European CSA network.

Some of the themes for this 3rd meeting include:

Disseminate the “Be part of CSA!” project on European CSA Training
Structure the CSA movement / organise the “Kernel”coordination team
Validate the European CSA declaration
Present the CSA research group’s work
Exchanges and Experience-sharing at farm/network/movement level
Define and plan future actions
This meeting will also be an important step towards the Second Nyéléni Europe Forum on Food Sovereignty, to take place on 26-30th October in Cluj-Napoca, Romania. As part of our process, we shall feed our outcomes into that process.

Non-CSA organisations that share our vision of local solidarity partnerships between producers and consumers are also welcome! Our aim is to collectively strengthen our network and prepare our future actions together.

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