Apart from our ongoing core work of supporting and encouraging the UK CSA movement to grow and thrive, we run and get involved in specific projects. Currently, these include:
- Work with the Urban Agriculture Consortium as part of their core group
- Work with the Northern Real Farming Conference as part of their steering group
- Work with the Agroecological Research Collaboration as one of the five consortium members
- Part of the Family Farms Succession project
- Running our CSA Incubator Scheme funded by the Frank Parkinson Agricultural Trust and supporting new CSAs over a number of years
- Running another CSA Incubator scheme as part of the GREAT project in Gloucestershire
- We are part of a working group investigating the viability of a new Land Matching service for England which will bring new entrants, landworkers, landholders and landowners together to open up more space for farming and growing.
- Supporting the growth of CSA in Scotland through funding from The Pebble Trust
We are also working on projects around biodiversity, food access, land mapping, etc.
Do get in touch at csanetworkuk@gmail.com if you’d like to work with us on a project.