Cultivating Success
Date Published: 30th June 2023
“Cultivating Success” was developed by the Fruit and Vegetable Alliance (a group of industry representatives from across the UK horticulture sector, of which we are a member) to inform the government’s Horticulture Strategy and set out our key short and long-term goals for a thriving UK horticulture sector. Now, more than ever, a joint strategic approach between industry and government is necessary to create a resilient, sustainable and prosperous fresh produce sector that attracts skilled and motivated workers and supplies healthy food.
To support the development of a strategy, over the last six months, the FVA has prepared the linked document, “Cultivating Success: Priorities for increasing sustainable production to meet growing demand.” The diverse range of issues it highlights demonstrates why a strategy is necessary; to address the wide range of challenges faced by the sector, from recruitment and training to supply chain fairness.
Download and read the document here, or click the image below.