Diversifying your CSA in Scotland – Webinar Recorded 22nd November 2022
Date Published: 4th November 2022
CSAs diversify their offering in many ways, varying routes for sales, but how do CSAs choose which are right for them? How do different types of enterprise work within a CSA model?
In this webinar recording, we will hear from four farms that have diversified in various ways and the opportunities and challenges that have presented. We’ll look at questions of capacity, practical requirements, financial implications, impact on members and more.
This webinar was aimed at a Scottish CSA audience but may interest anyone considering diversifying their farm.
We’re very grateful to The Pebble Trust for supporting this series of webinars.
About the Speakers:
Mhairi Player
Mhairi runs Berwick Wood Produce to the north of Aberdeen with her partner. They’ve built a farm inside a mature conifer woodland, which is being thinned and strategically felled to be replaced by more native trees.
They have 19 ha trees, 6 ha open land, 0.5 ha agroforestry planted a market garden, as well as ponds, waterways, solar panels and buildings. They do the equivalent of 50 veg boxes for 30 weeks per year and additionally supply two small cafes and a few shops. They’re converting to CSA from a veg box scheme next year.
They are in their first year of producing forest-raised pork and are supplying firewood to the local area, which they’d like to move to a CSA model.
Mhairi says, “We have tried to base our food production around the regenerative needs of our land rather than markets which has made selling a challenge at times.”
Christine Morrison
Christine Morrison is part of GO Local Food, growing seasonal veg in beautiful Northumberland. Go Local Food has been up and running for 11 years… and survived!
Part of the journey towards creating an environmentally and financially sustainable CSA has involved using their interests and resources to develop complimentary activities for members and local communities, including social events, workshops, and ‘field sales’. Christine will attempt to tell the story of the what, how and why they have invested in this development.
Dan Burston
Dan is Joint head grower and director at School Farm CSA, and was previously involved in running Chagfood. He began growing at Embercombe under the mentorship of Jo Clark. This is Dan’s 7th season running a CSA and 11th as a grower. He’ll share his experiences of generating income streams alongside a vegetable CSA, including external sales, growing commercial seed crops, and developing the farm into a subscription-based local food hub.
Jo Cartwright
Jo runs Swillington Farm in Yorkshire, selling meat, veg and egg subscriptions directly from the farm. Under her stewardship, the farm has expanded significantly, established an on-site abattoir and butchery and converted to organic.