Molesfarm Community Projects
We set up Molescroft Grange Community Allotments with help from the Lottery’s Awards for All early in 2012. This is on a four-acre field near the main farm which was too small to be ideal for the large machinery in modern arable farming. This has been a great success with all the plots let within days and a large waiting list at the moment. The Molescroft Grange Allotment Society which is run by the members has a blog here and can be contacted by email mgallotments@gmail.com
We were very lucky to be awarded funding from the Lottery’s Awards for All which allowed the allotments to be affordable to most people.
The allotments are run by the Not-For-Profit arm of the main farm – Molesfarm Community Projects. This business also receives funding for transport to Open Farm School Days for less well-off school children. This year transport has been very kindly funded by Gleadell Agriculture and in the past the Yorkshire Agricultural Society has also helped with funding for this.