Norwich Farmshare searching for land
Date Published: 26th July 2016
Norwich FarmShare, a not-for-profit food growing cooperative, is searching for new land within 10 miles of Norwich to restart its award-winning community farm. The farm produces local, seasonal, ecologically grown vegetables for its members and educational opportunities to the wider community. It won the overall prize in the City Council’s Eco Awards in 2015.
However, the growing scheme has been operating on a short-term lease near Postwick that has now ended. They are appealing to farmers, landowners, parish councils and anyone with spare land around Norwich to help them find a new site for the farm in the coming months.
Rosalind Bacon, Grower at Norwich FarmShare said, “This is an exciting opportunity to be part of a model for sustainable urban food supply in Norwich and support a vibrant local community of skilled growers.”
“Due to unforeseen circumstances we are having to leave our current growing site. We are asking everyone passionate about local food to put the word out and help us find a new plot. We grow using organic methods, encourage wildlife and provide learning opportunities for people of all ages. It’s a brilliant project to be part of!”
Norwich FarmShare is looking for land that meet the following criteria:
• Between 0.5 and 6 acres of land with reasonable rental costs (or potential to buy)
• Preferably sheltered and with good soil quality
• Good access by car, bicycle and ideally public transport from Norwich city centre
• Within 10 miles of Norwich
• Long-term use potential
• Planning permission for polytunnels and a volunteer shelter
• Mains water access or a borehole, and electricity point
An assessment team will be assessing all sites offered during the summer months through a process of research and community consultation, with a view to starting work on the chosen site in late autumn of this year.
Please get in touch with Rosalind Bacon at Norwich FarmShare on rosalind@norwichfarmshare.co. uk before the 31st July 2016 if you have or know of a site that could be appropriate.