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Save the Oak Tree Low Carbon Farm


When Joanne Mudhar first bought the land for The Oak Tree Low Carbon Farm seven years ago, the soil was utterly dead, with only 2% organic matter and no earthworms. It was just another small piece of land that had been utterly decimated by Industrial Agriculture.

That’s not the story any more.

Now, thanks to ecological farming methods, the earthworms have returned and the farm has stored tonnes of carbon from the atmosphere into the soil as organic matter.

Today, the Oak Tree Low Carbon Farm feeds seventy households. Each week farm members join growers, Eric, John and Joanne, to care for the vegetables and animals. However, recently the farms’ only major donor was, unexpectedly, unable to continue to help and the farm is now in danger of having to close due to lack of funds.

The Oak Tree has launched a crowdfunding bid to give it the ‘leg up’ that it needs – to continue developing a promising low carbon cut flower business, establishing fruit trees and bushes and planning a community building which will enable the farm to welcome visitors, particularly groups of school children, and run courses, drawing in much needed revenue to the farm. In addition, the farm is  also hoping to trial a ‘farming on prescription’ service for people with mild mental health problems next year. With a little help, Joanne at the Oak Tree Low Carbon farm believes that the farm can become financially self sustaining.

Can you help the Oak Tree to continue to demonstrate that it really is possible to produce excellent food while caring for the community and the environment?

Please visit for more information and meet the amazing people at the Oak Tree Low Carbon Farm.

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