Supporter Spotlight: Ruth Love
Date Published: 2nd December 2020
This month we’re featuring our latest lifetime supporter, Ruth Love, who was inspired to find out more about CSAs by Green MEP Molly Scott Cato.
Ruth volunteers in the gardens at Stirling Community Farm on the outskirts of Huddersfield, where she works with schoolchildren to grow their own food as part of their ‘Dig, Cook and Eat’ sessions. She also grows her own in her suburban garden in Ossett, West Yorkshire.
Ruth told us: “Having grown up on a farm, growing food has been integral to my life and I’m so keen that we start supporting farmers to do the right thing. We need to appreciate that people are working really hard to feed us.”
Ruth recently heard Molly Scott Cato tell an online audience the one thing everyone can do to make a difference on climate was to join a CSA scheme. Because Ruth already grows a lot of veg at home and at Stirling Farm, she didn’t need to join a CSA share scheme herself. Instead, she chose to sign up as a lifetime supporter of the CSA Network to help promote community farming across the country.
“My drive to support CSAs is that food security, nature and biodiversity is my thing,” adds Ruth. “Kids today see their parents shopping in the supermarket but they never see food growing out in the field. I’m more and more concerned about kids not knowing where their food comes from.
“I just love to see people having the opportunity to grow their own food.”
Find out more about joining the Network as an individual supporter here.