CSA event in Scotland
Date Published: 10th June 2016
The CSA Network UKĀ in partnership with Nourish Scotland held an event on 21 May 2016 to help raise awareness of Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) in Scotland. The event which was held at Whitmuir Community Farm included presentations from three existing or aspiring CSA schemes, Tap o Noth Permaculture, Tomnah’a Market Garden @ Comrie Croft, and Dunkeld and Birnam Community Growing at the Field. There were also workshops and presentations from other community food organisations including the Scottish Farm Land Trust, Nourish, Common Good Food, Federation of City Farms and Gardens and Edinburgh Food Belt, on topics including access to land and food policy, as well as a tour of Whitmuir Community Farm. The event was a great success with some of comments received including: “Relaxed, informal, with inspiring speakers in an inspiring setting. Everyone was so keen to share and learn” and “Made me more inspired/motivated to get more going on up here in Scotland – both promoting the idea of CSA’s and helping more CSAs get started here too”. We hope that it will lead to even more CSAs being set up across Scotland. The CSA Network UK can help provide advice and support to new or existing initiatives – just get in touch with us at csanetworkuk@gmail.com