General Election 2024 – ask your local candidate to support CSA!
Date Published: 21st June 2024
With less than 2 weeks until election day on July 4th, we have prepared a letter that you can send to your local candidates to ask them to support Community Supported Agriculture in your area.
Please use this letter as a template to write to local candidates.
You can find out who your local candidates are at https://whocanivotefor.co.uk/
You can invite them to meet with you or visit your farm if you are able to.
The Landworkers’ Alliance also have two very useful tools on their website for the upcoming elections:
- Online letter writing action – an online tool to urge party leaders and key politicians to commit to key food and farming policies in their General Election campaign – you can add into this letter a demand to support your local CSA.
- A General Elections Hustings Toolkit – with example questions related to food, farming and land-use policy to ask at your local hustings, which are events to meet local candidates and ask them questions.