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Green Manures Webinar Image

Green Manures for no-till market gardens – Webinar

This webinar set out to address how we can better incorporate green manures into organic no-dig or min-till vegetable systems.

Green manures are a very important part of organic vegetable systems but often under-used in no-dig or minimum tillage situations. They can be perceived as difficult to handle and kill (without glyphosate!) and taking growing space away from cash crops. But, in order to be more sustainable no-dig market gardens need to be less reliant on brought in fertility in the form of compost/manure/mulch and design systems that are more self-reliant.

This webinar looked at what species of green manures can be well-suited to no-dig systems and how to manage them. Speakers Jayne Arnold, Oxton Organics. Jayne started Oxton Organics in the Vale of Evesham, Worcestershire, in 1986 with partner Julian Eldridge and established one of the first organic veg box schemes. Since their son Jake returned to the farm they have changed to no-dig, pioneering larger scale no-dig market gardening in the UK.

Jesse Frost is one-half of the farm team at Rough Draft Farmstead with his wife Hannah Crabtree in Central Kentucky, USA. Jesse hosts The No-Till Market Garden Podcast and a video series on YouTube about no-till market gardening. He is author of The Living Soil Handbook. His background is in cooking, off-grid farming, and journalism, contributing to The Atlantic, Modern Farmer, Civil Eats, as well as maintaining the Marketing Column for Hobby Farms for many years. Connect with Jesse on Instagram, or Facebook.


This webinar is a partnership between the CSA Network UK, the Seed Sovereignty Programme run by the Gaia Foundation, and the Organic Growers Alliance and forms part of a webinar series funded by Farming the Future. The webinar programme focuses on practical teaching and farmer-to-farmer knowledge exchanges from farmers and growers from around the UK. The series is designed to increase knowledge exchange and learning on both the politics and practice of agroecology, seed sovereignty and food sovereignty.


Jesse Frost Link to Jesse’s presentation…

Rough Draft Farmstead

The Living Soil Handbook…

No-till growers YouTube    / @notillgrowers  

Jayne Arnold Jayne’s presentation is here:…

Cotswold Seed Guide: Sort out your soil

Other links AgroDiversity Subsidiary crops database…

OGA YouTube    / @organicgrowersal…

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