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Handley Farm: Grower/s needed to take on CSA

Handley Farm near Belper in Derbyshire is looking for a grower/s (ideally a couple) to take on a recently established CSA.  Also onsite, they have a care farm, a men’s shed, a restaurant, a milking herd of goats from which they produce cheese to sell at local markets, two recently planted orchards and a herbal labyrinth.  Find out more about the farm

The CSA has 1.5 acres of land (we also have room to expand) which has

  • 15 established raised beds with adjoining paths covered with mypex and woodchip.  Several of the beds are already planted up with brassicas, leeks, swede, celeriac
  • A large squash patch mulched heavily with manure for the previous season
  • 15 currant bushes
  • 5 gooseberry bushes
  • A large greenhouse
  • A 20metre polytunnel with space beside it for another 3 similar tunnels.  The tunnel is partially planted up with winter salads
  • Mains water supply
  • An established 4-bay compost system
  • Use of a large, well-rotted manure heap from our herd of cattle and goats
  • Plenty of woodchip of various ages
  • A mobile chicken coop is moved from one raised bed to another to get the chickens to clear weeds, etc

They have an established CSA membership with

  • 20 regular members
  • An admin subscription system set up on the Open Food Network
  • Access to a very supportive local community who support the on-farm restaurant, the Bull Shed

They are offering

  • Use of a 2-bedroom static caravan on the CSA site free of charge (but you pay for your own utilities, ie LPG and electric)
  • A share of the CSA income to be agreed
  • Remote support from a mentor

To discuss, contact Tony: 

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