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We are recruiting a new coordinator

The Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) Network UK is recruiting a new part-time coordinator.

Community supported agriculture (CSA) is a radical approach to the production and supply of food that builds strong, close and mutually beneficial partnerships between communities and producers. CSA is defined as a partnership between farmers and consumers in which the responsibilities, risks and rewards of farming are shared.

The CSA Network UK is the only organisation working solely to promote community supported agriculture (CSA) across the UK.

  • We provide a network to facilitate communication and co-operation between CSAs in the UK and internationally.
  • We support new and existing CSAs through the provision of resources, events, mentoring and advice.
  • We raise awareness and understanding of the CSA model amongst farmers, growers, and the wider public.
  • We represent the interests of the UK CSA movement to government and other policy makers.

The CSA Network UK was launched in December 2013. Initially the organisation was based at the Soil Association who seconded their staff to help establish our activities but since May 2015 we have been operating completely independently. This role will build on the past three and a half years work promoting community supported agriculture and growing the network across the UK. This post reports directly to the CSA Network UK board.

This post is funded by the Esmee Fairbairn Foundation for the next two and a half years. Continuation of the post beyond May 2019 depends on securing match funding

Hours: 2 days, 16 hours per week

Location: Home based

Deadline: 06/01/2019

Compensation: £26,000 pro rata

General Responsibilities

  • Oversee promotion of the Network to external stakeholders, including via events, press, website, social media and other communications.
  • Manage the network budget and finances in consultation with the Treasurer
  • Ensure targets and milestones are met or exceeded within budget and to delivery schedules. This will include evaluation, and project reports for both the board and funders
  • Support CSA Network UK Board including setting up meetings and maintaining effective communication
  • Maintain contacts database for members and supporters, and deal with membership subscriptions and renewals.
  • Respond to ad hoc enquiries via phone and email from CSA farms, press and other interested parties
  • Represent the network at policy meetings and contribute to policy consultations
  • Work with key stakeholders and partner organisations to establish beneficial relationships that extend and develop the CSA movement in the UK, and link up with CSAs overseas
  • Recruit and manage volunteers as required
  • Ensure all legal and regulatory requirements for the network are met
  • Coordinate the mentoring programme and match up those applying with suitable CSA farms based on location and type of CSA
  • Organise regional networking and training events, and national conferences and AGMs
  • Coordinate CSA farm open day
  • Work with Fundraising and Marketing Officer on funding bids and other fundraising initiatives as required

Conditions of employment

  • Coordinator to be home based and have existing use of home office/IT and internet
  • Travel and subsistence at cost and using own car at £0.40 per mile
  • Coordinator will be expected to support the board and Fundraising and Marketing officer in efforts to fundraise for a continuation of the role
  • Work very closely with CSA Network UK Board
  • Regular travel is required around the UK and sometimes overseas.
  • Evening and weekend work may also be required occasionally

Person Specification

We are looking for an experienced project manager with a strong commitment to local and sustainable food.

Essential Skills and Experience

  • Demonstrated ability to develop and maintain professional networks.
  • Excellent written English and the ability to adapt written materials to different audiences.
  • Excellent ICT skills, including experience of websites and databases
  • Knowledge of community supported agriculture and agroecological farming.
  • Ability to work on your own with minimal supervision

Desirable Skills and Experience

  • Experience of remote working or an understanding of the challenges and opportunities of working remotely as part of a small team.
  • Experience of policy work in relation to food and farming
  • Experience of organising events

To apply for this post please send your CV and covering letter (no more than 2 sides of A4) explaining how you meet the requirements of the role to by 6 January 2019

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