Blakeney Hill Growers is a group of like-minded people seeking a healthier, more organic lifestyle that revolves around our neighbourhood, Blakeney Hill in the Forest of Dean. Over the past few years, we’ve brought two parcels of derelict land back...
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Our farm is part of the Stroud Community Supported Agriculture family. We run our little farm using a community membership model, which allows us to make local raw milk in Stroud happen and work to towards a positive food future. We’re...
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Steepholding is a tiny off-grid farm of nine acres, leased from the Ecological Land Co-op (ELC) on the border of Devon & Somerset. We grow delicious, seasonal vegetables and fruit for sale through our local veg box scheme and to...
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"Tablehurst and Plaw Hatch Community Farm" is a ten-year-old community supported agriculture project in Forest Row, some 30 miles south of London. The project encompasses two farms, both biodynamic, both owned by the local community, and both selling the vast...
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