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Platt Fields Market Garden
We have developed a community market garden just outside of the city centre over the last 3 years and have been selling a small number of veg boxes. In 2020… -
Plotgate CSA
Plotgate CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) is a Community Benefit Society offering weekly or fortnightly, seasonal vegetable boxes to its members, as well as encouraging participation, skill building and a deepening… -
Regather helps communities to become more resilient by encouraging co-operative involvement in the Sheffield food system, so that money is retained in the local economy, land is more productive, food… -
Rhos Market Garden
We established the Rhos Market Garden in 2008 with 4 acres of rented meadow, a caravan and a shed. Since then we have expanded our family-run holding to 6 acres,… -
Rhubarb Farm CIC
Rhubarb Farm became a CIC in October 2009. It is a small social enterprise on the north Nottinghamshire/Derbyshire border. We provide people with long term needs: training, placements, volunteering opportunities… -
Ropsley Market Garden
offer two types of share in our produce – A Purchased share (a weekly box of the best pick of our hand picked seasonal produce) Or A Free share ( in exchange… -
Rosamund Community Garden
Rosamund Community Garden in Guildford is a community garden where we grow vegetables in tune with nature, using no-dig methods, slow natural enrichment and non-mechanisation. We have a regular work… -
Rose Valley Farm
Our CSA is focused on flowers, but our flower subscribers are also offered our other produce when available. We are hoping to start offering a veg box scheme over the… -
Rural Care Farm Fresh Flowers
Rural Care Farm Fresh Flowers is based at Church Farm, Ardeley. We are starting our CSA journey by offering subscriptions in December 2023 for seasonal flower bouquets.The first of which…