Webinars produced by us at the Network or by our partners in collaborations.

Bringing Your Land to Life – Groundswell 2023 Lecture with Ben Raskin and Oli Rodker
Ben Raskin of CSA Network UK, and the Soil Association, together with Oli Rodker of the Ecological Land Cooperative. explore new approaches for farmers and landowners looking to diversify. They focus on agroecological solutions to enhance your farm through building community on and around it, bringing new entrants and their businesses onto the land and […]

Webinar – An Introduction to Small-scale Irrigation with Pete Dollimore – Recorded Tuesday 18th April 2023
Join Pete Dollimore as he talks us through his updated guide to irrigation for small-scale growers. The guide gives an overview of the commonly used installations with details of concepts, terminology, equipment, design and some related aspects to consider. It will also provide tools and techniques to help growers estimate how much and when to […]

Planning for Uncertainty: Contingency Planning for Small Farms – Workshop
What do you do when things go wrong? Having a plan to deal with uncertain times is a good thing to have right now. Suzy Russell of CSA Network UK gives us a planning tool for assessing risk. Katy Barker of Growing Communities looks at how to improve resilience by working towards a better, fairer […]

Growing peg plants – bare root transplants – Webinar
This webinar explored the potential of ‘peg plants’ as an agroecological and sustainable alternative to transplants in modules and blocks. It covered the opportunities and challenges of growing peg plants. What crops are best-suited? How much space do you need? How do the costs compare? Do I need to change my planting machine? Most vegetable […]

Winter Brassicas For Continuity – Webinar
Brassicas are the biggest and most valuable crop family for winter sales. How can growers provide continuity in an uncertain climate? The summer heatwave and the mild autumn have played havoc with many brassica growers continuity plans. How can growers plan their cropping plans to be resilient? We are joined by John Overvoorde of organic […]

Growing and Storing Vegetables in the Winter – Webinar Recorded 29th November 2022
Recording made November 2022 This webinar looks at topics such as the challenges of growing at northerly latitudes, infrastructure, timing plantings, selecting crop varieties, maintaining variety in veg boxes and storing vegetables. It’s aimed at a Scottish CSA audience but may interest any market gardeners. We are very grateful to The Pebble Trust for supporting […]

Diversifying your CSA in Scotland – Webinar Recorded 22nd November 2022
CSAs diversify their offering in many ways, varying routes for sales, but how do CSAs choose which are right for them? How do different types of enterprise work within a CSA model? In this webinar recording, we will hear from four farms that have diversified in various ways and the opportunities and challenges that have […]

Rotations for Protected Cropping – Webinar
This webinar explores the complex art of designing rotations for polytunnels and greenhouses. Growing in tunnels and greenhouses agroecologically means embracing diversity, including plants to encourage predators and pollinators, as well as green manures for soil health. A huge range of crops can be grown under protection, which is great for direct marketing, but this […]

Using Perennials in CSAs and Market Gardens – Webinar Recorded 30 November 2022
About this event Join Mandy Barber of Incredible Vegetables and Ryan Sandford-Blackburn of Earthed Up! to explore the potential of perennials. We will look at the benefits, which species may make sense, perennials for seed crops, integration into an annual layout and use at the edges. After watching this recording, you should know how to […]

Fair income for fair food; solidarity payments for CSA farms. Webinar recorded July 2022
CSA growers work hard to grow food, but this isn’t always reflected in their wages. Perhaps there is another way of doing things? Enjoy and learn from this webinar recording. Food solidarity and access to food for all is something many CSAs and small-scale farms aspire to address. However, it’s often hard to balance these […]

Seed Banks & Libraries: Preserving and Accessing Biodiversity – Webinar
Seed banks and seed libraries play an important role in both conserving our heritage and ensuring our future. With the huge decline in both our native flora and vegetable cultivars, as well as the reality of climate change, it is now more important than ever that we conserve and protect as many species and cultivars […]

The Grain Chain: Arable Crops in Market Gardens – Webinar
A resurgent interest in all things grain has presented opportunities for market gardeners to diversify their cropping and try something new. Many growers will be familiar with sowing grains as a green manure but taking a crop to full term is a different proposition. Tune in to hear a few different perspectives on variety selection, […]

Green Manures for no-till market gardens – Webinar
This webinar set out to address how we can better incorporate green manures into organic no-dig or min-till vegetable systems. Green manures are a very important part of organic vegetable systems but often under-used in no-dig or minimum tillage situations. They can be perceived as difficult to handle and kill (without glyphosate!) and taking growing […]

Seeds of Crisis, Movement and Liberation – Webinar Recording May 2022
Join Christian Keeve to learn more about the political ecologies, cooperative geographies, knowledge politics of seed keeping, and seed grower networks. This webinar is a partnership between the CSA Network UK, the Seed Sovereignty Programme run by the Gaia Foundation and the Organic Growers Alliance and forms part of a webinar series funded by Farming […]

UK Fibre Industry Unpicked: Could You Grow Your Own Clothes? – Webinar
UK Fibre Industry Unpicked: Could You Grow Your Own Clothes? Landworkers’ Alliance webinar from April 27th 2022 focussing on UK fibre and textile industry. Hosted by Robyn Minogue, guest speakers Emma Hague, Rosie Bristow and Sofi Thanhauser.

Starting up a CSA – Step by step through 12 years
There aren’t many CSA’s that have been running for 12 years in the UK. Chagfood in Devon was started by Ed Hamer and it’s rightly seen as a successful example of the CSA model here in the UK. Ed recently delivered a presentation taking the audience through the establishment, development and subsequent flourishing of Chagfood. […]

Governance for your CSA
Are you trying to work out how to set up your CSA? However you look at it, a CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) farm project is a business. Somewhere along the line, you have to get your business head on and work out how this thing is going to work. Like all businesses, you need to […]

The Wonders of Woodchip
Woodchip and mulches are underused tools in small-scale farming and have the potential to bring huge benefits to your growing enterprise without costing the planet. In this video, Ben talks about how woodchip can be used as a natural mulch for weed suppression, as a growing medium for propagating plants, as a carbon-rich compost ingredient […]

DIY peat-free growing media – Webinar
Webinar on how to create your own peat-free growing media for plant-raising. As growers we need to move away from using peat for propagation, but buying in can be expensive and not always as reliable as it should be. An alternative is to make up our own mixes using ‘recipes.’ But what to include? This […]

Our Seeds Are Our Stories 2 – Seed Week Special
For many of us, our connection to seeds runs much deeper than just the practicalities of food production. Our seeds represent hard work, the growing season to come, and belief that we can build a better future. The journeys seeds take and the challenges they face are reflections of our own journeys and challenges.Join us […]

Composting for small farms – a Masterclass with Nicky Scott – Webinar
Nicky Scott, aka Dr Compost, talks about all things composting for small farms and market gardens in this masterclass webinar from the CSA Network UK. Get practical tips and learn the science behind the perfect heap in this video – part of the Farming the Future series.

Growing the Staples
Hear all about growing field scale vegetables from some of the experts. This webinar debunks the myths of field-scale production and shows how it can be done regeneratively and agroecologically without huge investments. We discuss at rotation, technical issues of production, and machinery to support you in producing the staple crops economically. We also talk […]

Soil – the heart and soul of organic growing – Webinar
This webinar explored the reasons why soil is so important to organic production systems, what the threats are to soil-based production, and how we as growers can maximise the vitality of our soils for healthy crops, people and planet. Speakers Dave Chapman runs Long Wind Farm in Vermont, USA and is the Executive Director of […]

The Seed Process – Following the Journey from Harvest to Packet – Webinar
As market gardeners are busy bringing in their crops this time of year, so too are seed producers hard at work harvesting their seed. These seeds are destined to become next year’s crops, but what happens to them between harvest and being deposited in packets to be shipped to growers throughout the UK? We will […]

Local food chains and the challenge of GMOs – Webinar
This webinar from the CSA Network UK aims to bring those involved in local and regional food production up to speed on the latest developments in genetic engineering. It looks at claims that we need it to make farming sustainable and ‘feed the world’ – and to provide an agroecological framework for thinking and talking […]

Four Season Growing – Webinar
Webinar from The Landworkers’ Alliance

Digging Deeper into No Dig – Webinar
A webinar on No Dig at market garden scale. Panel: Lois Philipps, Soil Scientist and Shalbourne Community Growers Jake Eldridge, Oxton Organics Amy Willoughby, Plotgate Community Farm Lindsay Whalen, Reddy Lane Market Garden Chair – Tim Dickens, CSA Network UK

Agroforestry In Organic Horticulture – Webinar
Agroforestry presents lots of opportunities for the organic grower: to grow new fruit and nut crops to sell; to produce wood and wood chip to use; to provide shelter and reduce flooding; and to provide habitat for other creatures. In this webinar, we hear from experienced growers about the practical considerations, opportunities and pitfalls of […]